Everything I Love About Plants

Everything I Love About Plants

I find plants absolutely fascinating. From the different colors and leaf shapes, to the amazing transformation that they can bring to a space is unmatched by other interests of mine. I have a lot of plants as you can probably imagine and I love to stay busy, so the plants help me to be able to work with my hands, work with them, and to create and grow beautiful centerpieces to not only my environment, but the environments of many people across the United States. Plants are not something that is intended to be a hassle or a headache, and really with minimal effort bring a lot of interest to a space. 

Since my professional background is in the sciences, I am particularly fond of the ability to hybridize, propagate and micropropagate plants. I have recently been expanding my anthurium collection in order to be able to experiment with different pairings to create beautiful new hybrids of the anthurium plant. 

My focus from career to passion began when the Covid pandemic accelerated the shift of focus in healthcare from patient to profit and I knew that I wanted my skills and interests to be utilized differently, so I began to shift my efforts to growing beautiful houseplants to offer to others that might be interested in a new hobby. 

I truly feel like plants and nature for that matter can teach us far more than we allow it. Just recently for example, as I was getting a plant ready to be photographed I decided to remove one particular part of the plant because it was not as esthetically pleasing as I would like it to be for the picture and in doing so, I said, "Sometimes after a plant is traumatized in its current state that it will cause it to grow again and turn into something beautiful.". How many of us have seen a similar scenario play out either in our own lives or the lives of others around us?

If you are in the group of people that tell me that you kill plants or do not have a green thumb, I challenge you to try. While you are trying, if at any time something is not going quite right, reach out to me and I will be happy to help how I can. 

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